Our daughter loves learning and exploring. Recently she planted her very own starter garden. She planted a few seeds, cilantro, tomatoes, and strawberries. Together we watered her seeds and made sure they were getting enough sun during the day. Each day we observed and recently her strawberry seed sprouted. -She's been excited. We continue to observe and take notes. {Planting cilantro seeds} {Some water for her seeds} {Her strawberry seed sprouted} Recently we worked on a little experiment together. {Fireworks in a jar} -1 tablespoon of oil -A few drops of food coloring. (Using a few different colors) -1 jar of water Mix food coloring with oil, then add to water. Observe and watch to see what happens when it is combined with the water. Learning about butterflies. We have been learning about the different types of butterflies. Exploring shapes, colors, and wing sizes. What have you all been u...