Here are some tips to help you stay motivated and achieve your fitness goals: 1. Choose or create a workout music playlist to keep yourself moving and energized. You can either create your own playlist or choose a music channel on a free music website. 2. Stay hydrated by keeping track of your water intake. Fill up two water bottles the night before - one with ice and a teaspoon of lemon for the morning, and another to take with you and refill as needed. 3. Create a fitness vision board with motivational quotes, inspiring pictures, and your fitness goals to keep yourself motivated. 4. Reward yourself when you meet a goal with activities like taking a hot bath, enjoying your favorite treat, or doing something that makes you smile. 5. Share your accomplishments with friends and family to inspire others and stay accountable. 6. Join a local or online fitness group to stay on track and motivate others. 7. Keep a workout journal to track your progress, mood changes, food intake, and water c...