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Showing posts from September 22, 2024

The Crazy Little Lovebirds Link Party 57

W elcome to The Crazy Little Love Birds Link Party #57!   Our party is a platform to share inspiring content such as recipes, family-friendly blog posts, crafts, home decor, and anything inspiring. Hi everyone! I hope you are all doing well. Right when I thought the temperatures were feeling more like fall temperatures, the heat came right back. We have been busy getting a few home projects completed. This weekend  I will keep things fairly simple for my birthday. I honestly just want to relax. Do you have any fun plans for the weekend? I'd love to hear about it!  Moving on to the party. We have some wonderful featured posts this week. Congratulations to our featured bloggers! Melynda at Scratch Made Food for Hungry People has shared a great way to repurpose a photo box and turn it into a garlic storage box . What a great upcycle! Visit Our Grand Lives to make Apple Pizzas . This recipe is perfect for fall and a great way to spend time with loved ones in the kitchen. Lynne over at


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