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Showing posts from March 30, 2014

April: sunshine, a little snow and a sweet strawberry banana ice cream recipe

“I glanced out the window at the signs of spring. The sky was almost blue, the trees were almost budding, the sun was almost bright.”  ―  Millard Kaufman ,  Bowl of Cherries ( sweet strawberry banana ice cream recipe at bottom of post) So far April has brought us some sunshine and snow. The snow didn't stick around for too long. This afternoon it all melted away. We're thankful that it did. -I'm so ready for actual spring weather. I just want to dip my toes in some cold water and sit out enjoying the breezy afternoon weather. We absolutely love sitting out back on our porch. We enjoy grilling, reading, bubble blowing and just relaxing out there. -It's all just so lovely.  Today I enjoyed my time indoors with my daughter. We played with legos, snacked on peanuts, ate sweet watermelon, and watched one of her favorite books on DVD. -A Snowy Day. It was perfect for the kind of weather we were experiencing. She hasn't stopped reminding me a...

At home.

Lately- We started on a few plants indoors. Our daughter enjoys watering and caring for them. Lately- I've purchased fresh flowers.  I love how flowers freshen up a room. Lately- I've been taking more time to care for my skin. I Apply moisturizer during the day and at night.  Lately- I've tried out a few beauty tips. Taking a lemon and applying sugar to the surface.  I  gently rub it against my lips. It's wonderful and your lips will thank you. :) I've also been applying slices of fresh cucumbers over my eyes when I'm resting.- It's so refreshing. Lately- Our daughter has been enjoying her time dancing, singing and just being free. Twirling in her tutu while wearing snow boots.- She's my little sunshine. Lately- I went shopping and picked up a few new items. Earrings, nail polish, a sheer breezy top and a new bracelet.  I've also enjoyed taking time out and soaking my feet. I've been using Tea Tree Oil gen...


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