Transform your glass garlic jars into multi-functional pin cushions with storage by following this creative and practical DIY tutorial. You will learn how to repurpose these jars into stylish and useful organization tools for sewing or crafting supplies. Hello everyone! A while ago, I purchased some pin cushions from my local Dollar Tree, and stored them away, completely forgetting about them. Today, while cleaning, I came across them and decided to use them with my glass garlic jars. I thought the glass garlic jars would be wonderful for creating multi-functional pin cushion storage jars. Materials Three pin cushions Glass jars (I'm reusing my garlic jars) Mod Podge Paintbrush Acrylic paint Sewing and craft accessories to add to each glass jar Adding Mod Podge and Paint to jars To give my jars a stained glass appearance, I combined my Mod Podge and paint. I used a paintbrush to add a thin layer of the mixture and then used a drying tool to dry the paint. I repeated this process fo...