I was thrilled when I was contacted by Mom's meet to try out a new product called Sea-Band Mama!. I'm not currently pregnant, but I can still remember some ways I got through my dreaded morning sickness with my two pregnancies. In this post, I'll review some Sea-Band Mama! products. I'll also share a few things I did to help with my morning sickness. Happy reading, enjoy! *Disclaimer* I was allowed to try out this product. This product was given to me for free from Moms Meet ( momsmeet.com ) to use and give my honest opinion on this product. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links. Sea-Band Mama! Sea-Band Mama! is a drug-free, safe alternative way to finding relief when experiencing morning sickness using gentle acupressure. The Sea-Band wristband is a knitted material and is also elastic. This product has been approved by the FDA. Many expectant mothers suffer from morning sickness and the discomfort that comes along...