Welcome Autumn with three fun hands-on activities and crafts. This activity is very hands-on, and just so much fun! We enjoyed making the apples, and crust for our delicious play apple pie. Enjoy making your apple pie, while sipping on your tea. Autumn Paper Bag Pumpkins Materials needed: -Paper bag -paint -paint brushes -green pipe cleaners/any color will do -tissue paper/ I used this to stuff our paper bag pumpkins Toddler Creation-Autumn Banner We let our daughter create her very own Fall banner. For this we used: -Craft paper -Paint (Autumn colors) -Twine/or you can use yarn or string -Hot glue gun -Washi tape/scissors And our last activity is just for fun. We made some moon sand! Using 8 cups of flour, and 1 cup of baby oil. It's so much fun, our daughter loves it!! Enjoy~ Moon Sand