I've been nominated again! I want to start off by saying a big thank you to Shelby for nominating me, again. Check her blog out, it's so lovely- It's Always Sonny . (I'm terrible when it comes down to finishing up these and actually publishing. I've actually been nominated 5 times, I just never got a single one finished...So here it goes. :) RULES: 1. Each person must post 11 things about themselves. 2. Answer the questions that the tagger set for you PLUS create 11 questions for the people you have tagged to answer. 3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post. 4. Go to their page and tell them. 11 Randoms about me I always carry hand sanitizer in my bag & I also keep some in my car I'm in love with sunsets I love to dance around with my daughter love aerobics spicy foods are my favorite I can be completely silly at times :) I can never finish just one book before starting the next I ...