Fall weather has arrived. It's been cool, with a gentle breeze. I'm excited about the cooler weather. But, during this time my skin and lips tend to get a bit dry. With this simple scrub recipe your lips/body will feel soft, smooth and stay moisturized through out the day. I love making my own body/lip scrubs. Here is what you'll need: -Pumpkin pie spice -Coconut oil -Sugar -Measuring spoon (1 teaspoon) -Small bowl -Airtight container Start with 2 teaspoons of sugar. Add in 1 teaspoon of pumpkin pie spice. Mix together. Combine 1 teaspoon of coconut oil to sugar and spice. Mix all ingredients together. Now you're ready to add it to your airtight container. With this recipe you can make more if you are wanting to use it as a body scrub. You're all done! Enjoy~ Pin/share for later