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Showing posts from May 15, 2016

Peaceful moment.

This peaceful moment... took place in April 2015. My oldest daughter and I took a few flowers from the garden and created  nature suncatchers. This was such a fun project. If you would love to make your own follow this link  Spring-catchers Enjoy! Each Thursday I will be posting a peaceful moment.  I would love to know what your peaceful moment has been during the week or a peaceful memory from the past. :) 

Let Go. -Crumble it up and toss it out!

Let go of   Negative thoughts  In the morning right after you wake tell yourself these 3 things: 1. I am thankful. 2. I am able 3. I will do my absolute best! Let go of   P eople bringing you down There is absolutely no reason to have these people in your life. Are you trying to do better? If the answer is yes, let them go! Let go of  Always saying YES  I always thought I needed to please every single person who entered my life and so I was constantly saying yes. - I managed to stop this and it feels great. Saying no is okay to do and if the person truly understands where you are coming from it shouldn't bother them one bit. Let go of   The past This is something I struggle with. - I'm doing much better now, but truthfully I find myself slipping at times. (We all do and that is what makes us human). But honestly, we must learn to let go of past hurts. Once we learn to let go we can live a much happier life. Let go of   G ossip Just say no to


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